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Black tea apple which uplifts mood. Invigorates with soothing aroma...
Black tea apricot with a sweet bouquet and fresh taste. A thirst quencher...
Black tea cinnamon with an aromatic flavor. A cold remedy...
Black tea mint for a fresh breath and a rejuvenated spirit...
Black tea peach with a juicy flavor. Energy giving and power packed...
Black tea raspberry which purifies senses, nourishes & energizes the body...
Black tea strawberry with a sparkle and sweet scent...
Apple+Cinnamon which cleanses & adds vitality...
Black tea earlgrey with a unique flavor to sooth the soul...
Black tea earl grey with a unique flavor to sooth the soul...
Black tea English breakfast with a robust and bold flavour...
Black tea ginger warms the spirit and awakens the senses. A natural remedy...
Black tea lemon which adds pizzazz, replenishes & heightens senses...
Black tea orange which brightens the mood & the fruity flavour energizes the body...
Black tea passion which nurtures psyche & cools mind set...
A single estate unique taste of PEKOE1 from the Sabaragamuwa region...
Pure black tea in individually enveloped teabags. A pure black tea which stimulates a distinctive & natural elixir Great source of antioxidants Very low in fat, sodium and calories Ingredients: pu..
Chamomile honey infusion which relaxes and clams nerves..